ComponentOne Basic Library for UWP
Basic Library Overview / TreeView for UWP / TreeView for UWP Task-Based Help / Getting the Text or Value of the SelectedItem in a TreeView
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    Getting the Text or Value of the SelectedItem in a TreeView
    In This Topic

    The Header property will return the values contained in your C1TreeViewItems, you can get the string value using the following code:

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Dim item As C1TreeViewItem = _tree.SelectedItem
    _textBlock.Text = item.Header.ToString()

    Copy Code
    C1TreeViewItem item = _tree.SelectedItem;
    _textBlock.Text = item.Header.ToString();

    What You've Accomplished

    Run your application and observe that the Header property will return the values contained in your C1TreeViewItems.

    See Also